Note: Arabic derived words are spelt according to the conventions of Indonesian spelling where there are loan words in widespread Indonesian useage or are components of traditional Indonesian Islamic phraseology. ABG (Asal Bukan Gus Dur; literally,'Anyone But Gus Dur'): term popular prior to the 1994 Congress referring to those within NU and the government who were opposed to Abdurrahman Wahid continuing as general chairman of NU. ABRI (Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia): the Indonesian Armed Forces. adat: customary law. ahlul halli wal aqdi (literally,'those who solve and bind'): council or commission of respected leaders with powers to advise or decide on important matters. ahlus sunnah wal-jama'ah (literally, followers of the example of the Prophet and the [majority of the community): a term generally used by Sunni Muslims to distinguish themselves from the Shia and other minority groups. Indonesian traditionalists, however, often employ the phrase to affirm their own orthodoxy and thereby, differentiate themselves from modernist Muslims. amar ma 'ruf nahi munkar (enjoining good and preventing evil). An obligation for all Muslims and a frequently cited principle in decision-making. Ansor: NU's young men's organisation founded in 1934. asas tunggal (sole foundation): usually used in reference to 11 government program in the mid-1980s to have Pancasila adopted as the sole ideological foundation of all social and religious organisations. bedug: A large drum used in pesantren to signal praver time. Cipete Group: commonly used term in the mid- 1980s referring to the supporters of Idham Chalid. Named after the district Jakarta where he resided. Darul Islam ('Abode of Islam'): technical term referring to a territory containing a majority of Muslims. Also the name an Islamic rebellion in West Java in the late 1940s and 1950s DPR (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat or People's Representative Council): National parliament. DPR-GR (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat-Gotong Royong or Gotong Royong parliament). Parliament installed by Sukarno in June 1960. fardlu 'ain: individual or personal obligation. fatwa: decision on Islamic law. fiqh: Islamic jurisprudence. The science dealing with the observance of ritual, religious obligations and social behaviour. A pre-eminant science within traditionalist learning. Forum Demokrasi (Democracy Forum): discussion group of about 45 intellectuals and activists established in March 1991 under the chairmanship of Abdurrahman Wahid. fuqaha: experts in Islamic jurisprudence. Gestapu (Gerakan September Tiga Puluh or Thirtieth of September Movement): Movement which launched the failed coup attempt on 30 September 1965. ghasab: jurisprudential term referring to the illegal appropriation of another person's property or rights. Golkar (Golongan Karya or Functional Groups): The Soeharto government's electoral vehicle. It has dominated every election in the New Order period. hadis, hadith: traditions or reports of the sayings and deeds of the Prophet. haj: pilgrimage to Mecca. halqah: study circle, discussion group. ICMI (Ikatan Cendekiawan Muslimin Indonesia or Association of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals): government-sponsored association founded in December 1990 under the leadership of Dr B. J. Habibie. ijma: consensus, particularly among religious authorities on matters of Islamic law. ijtihad: reasoning, interpretation. In Islamic jurisprudence, it refers to individual interpretation of the law rather than accepting the consensus of earlier scholars (taklid). Izzul Islam wal Muslimin: the glory of Islam and its adherents. Jakarta Charter: proposed preamble to the 1945 Constitution which called on Muslirns to practise the laws of Islam. jamiah diniyah: religious organisation. jihad (literally, 'to strive'): can be used in a spiritual sense or refer to a physical struggle or Holy war kafir: unbeliever, non-Muslim. KAMI (Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa Indonesia or United Action Indonesian Students): organisation formed following the coup attempt which campaigned for the banning of the PKI and the removal of President Sukarno. KAP-Gestapu (Komando Aksi Pengganyangan Gestapu or Crush Gestapu Action Command): anti-communist organisation up on 4 October 1965 by Subchan and Harry Tjan Silalahi. katib: secretary khaul: a traditional commemoration ceremony for the dead. khittah: charter, strategy, programme. Khittah 1926 (Charter of 1926): reform programme based on restoring the principles set out by NU's founders in 1925. kiai: Islamic teacher, scholar and leader. kitab kuning: literally 'yellow books' (a reference to the colour of the pages). Classical scholarly texts, for the most part. commentaries on the Qur'an and Islamic law. Komite Hijaz (Hijaz Committee): A committee established by traditionalist Muslims in 1926 to organise a delegation to Saudi leader, Abdul-Aziz ibn Saud. KPPNU (Koordinasi Pusat Pengurus NU. Central NU Coordinating Board): a rival board established by Abu Hasan in late December 1994. LMI (Liga Muslimin Indonesia or Indonesian Muslim League): a federation of Islamic organisations founded in August 1952 the main components of which were NU, PSIT and Perti. madrasah: school college. Usualiy referring to an educational institution which has graded classes, a formal syllabus and examination system. mafsadah (literally, 'harm' or 'injury'): in Islamic jurisprudence a concept regarding the avoidance of public harm or disadvantage. Majlis 24 (Council of 24): twenty-four member forum of reform-minded NU leaders, activists and intellectuals established in mid-l983. Majlis Syuro: Religious Advisory Council of Masyumi. maslahah (literally, benefit or utility). In Islamic jurisprudence, a concept regarding the pursuit of public interest or welfare. Masyumi: modernist-dominated Islamic political party of the late 1940s and 1950s. from which NU seceded in 1952. Banned by Sukarno in 1960. mazhab: school of law. In Sunni islam there are four schools: Hanafi, Maliki, Syafi'i and Hanbali. MIAI (Majlisul Islamil a'laa Indonesia or Indonesian Supreme Islamic Council): federation of Islamic organisations established in 1937. MLB (muktamar luar biasa or extraordinary congress). Modernism: reform movement within Islam that commenced in the late nineteenth century advocating ijtihad, the adoption of modern technology and the purification of the faith from cultural accretions that gave rise to religious syncretism. Muhammadiyah: the largest modernist Islamic organisation in Indonesia. MPR(S) (Majlis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (Sementara) or (Provisional) People's Consultative Assembly). National Congress which elects the president and sets the broad poi- guidelines of the state. muktamar (congress): NU National Congress, the highest decision-making authority within the organisation. munas (musyawarah nasional or national consultation): in an NU context, it refers to the national conference of NU ulama held mid-way between the five-yearly congresses. Muslimat NU: NU's women's organisation founded in 1946. musyawarah: consultation Nahdlatul Tujar (Revival of the Traders): short-lived trading cooperative founded by Wahab Chasbullah and Hasjim Asj'ari in 1918. Nahdlatul Ulama (Revival of the Religious Scholars): traditionalist Islamic organisation founded in 1926. Nahdlatul Wathan (Revival of the Homeland): an Islamic college founded by Wahab Chasbullah and Mas Mansur in Surabaya in 1916. Later developed into a network of colleges across Java. Nasakom (Nasionalis-Agama-Komunis or Nationalist-Religious and Communists). Sukarno's policy to unite the three mail streams of national politics. Pancasila: the five principles of the Indonesian state ideology They are belief in God, humanitarianism, nationalism, democracy, and socialjustice. PBNU (Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama): Central NU board which comprises the Syuriah and Tanfidziah. PDI (Partai Demokrasi Indonesia or Indonesian Democratic Party): amalgamation of nationalist and Christian parties. pembaruan: reform, renewal. pencak silat: traditional martial arts. Perti (Persatuan Tarbiyah Islam): a small traditionalist party based in West Sumatra. pesantren: (literally 'place of the santri or Muslim students'). Traditional Islamic schools under the leadership of a kiai. PKI (Partai Komunis Indonesia or Indonesian Communist Party). PMII (Pergerakan Mahasiswa Islam Indonesia or Indonesian Muslim Students Movement): NU's tertiary students' organisation formed in 1960. PMPI (Pemuda Mahasiswa dan Pelajar Islam): association of Islamic youth and student organisations active in the late 1960s. PNI (Partai Nasionalis Indonesia or Indonesian Nationalist Party): the main nationalist party during the Sukarno era. PPP (Partai Persatuan Pembangunan or United Development Party): Islamic party formed in 1973 by the forced amalgamation of NU, MI, Perti and PSII. PRRI (Pemeritah Revolusioner Republik Indonesia or Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Indonesia). Regional government established in West Sumatra in 1957. PSI (Partai Sosialis indonesia or Indonesian Socialist Party. PSII (Partai Serikat Islam Indonesia or Indonesian Islamic Party). qawai'd al-fiqh: the principles or rules of Islamic jurisprudence. rais am: chairman of Central Syuriah; effectively president- general of NU. Rapat Akbar (Mass Rally). the term used for NU's 66th anniversary celebration on 1 March 1992, held at Senayan, Jakarta. santri: student at a traditional Islamic school; devout Muslim Shumubu: National Religious Affairs Office under the Japanese administration. SI (Sarekat Islam or Islamic Association): the first mass Islamic organisation in the Netherlands Indies. Established in 1912 Situbondo Group: reform group within NU during the early to mid-1980s under the leadership of KH As'ad Syamsul Arifin Named after the location of his pesantren. suksesi ('succession'): popular term during the late 1980s and early 1990s referring to the Presidential succession and the issue of political transition. sunnah precedents set by the Prophet Muhammad for believers to follow as recorded in the Qur'an and hadis. syari'ah: Islamic law. syekh haj: hajj agent. Syuriah: Supreme Religious Council of NU, usually comprising ulama syu'un ijtima'iyyah: 'matters of` social concern'. tahlilan: recitation of the creed la ilaha illa'allah (there is no god but Allah). Tanfidziah: Executive board of NU. taqlid, taklid: adherence to the teachings and prescriptions of Sunni law schools and ulama. tarekat: Islamic mystical orders. tasawuf, tasawwuf: Islamic mysticism. Taswirul Afkar (Constellation of Thoughts): discussion group formed in 1918 by Wahab Chasbullah. tawassuth: central position or middle path; moderation. Tim Tujuh (Team of Seven): committee established in 1983 to formulate detailed recommendations on the restoration of the khittah. Traditionalist: Muslims who adhere to the teachings of one of the four Sunni schools of law (mazhab) and are also inclined towards syncretic devotional practices. ulama: religious scholar. ukhuwwah islamiyah: Islamic brotherhood. Umat (community, people, nation) Most often used to refer to the community of Muslims. usul al-fiqh: the 'roots or sources' of Islamic jurisprudence. wali: protege of God, saint, holy man. Waliyul amri dlaruri bissyaukah (Interim holder of full power): litle bcstowed on President Sukarno at the 1954 national ulama conference zakat: obligatory alms payments. One of the five pillars of Islam.