[  I n t e r a k t i f i t a s ]


Mailing list kini dipandang sebagai media Internet yang komunikasinya lebih bersifat interaktif & proaktif daripada web, serta lebih efektif dan efisien daripada memakai IRC maupun Newsgroup. Melalui mailing list yang hidup dan ditunjang oleh partisipasi aktif para pelanggannya, sebuah proses pendidikan, penyebaran dan tukar-menukar ide dan informasi dapat tercipta. Oleh karena itu, Tim Pendayagunaan Internet KMNU Mesir memandang perlu sekali untuk menyelenggarakan suatu mailing list yang dapat bermanfaat dan memberi nilai tambah bagi para netters nahdhiyin dimana saja berada, maupun simpatisannya.

Kegiatan diskusi dan silaturrahmi di mailing list, pertamakali oleh KMNU Mesir memakai jasa www.coollist.com. Namun setelah beberapa waktu, www.coollist.com tidak lancar, sampai akhirnya tak bisa diandalkan  lagi. Akhirnya, kami mencari alternatif lain sampai akhirnya menemukan www.egroups.com.

Mula-mula kami mendaftar dengan  account name kmnu@egroups.com, dan bernama KMNU-List. Berlangsung sejak 1998 sampai penghujung abad 20, Desember 1999. Karena ada kendala teknis, maka lantas membuat account baru kmnu2000@egroups.com dengan nama kmnu2000. Dan sejak perusahaan Egroups dan Yahoo melakukan merger, semua mailinglist di perusahaan ini berubah namanya menjadi yahoogroups.com. Sehingga kmnu2000 sekarang juga ikut berubah menjadi kmnu2000@yahoogroups.com.

Semoga kmnu2000 ini dapat kita manfaatkan bersama secara optimal sebagai media komunikasi dan tukar-menukar informasi sekaligus untuk menjalin silaturahmi antara sesama ummat manusia, sesama muslimin, dan tentu juga sesama nahdhiyin.

Cara melanggan

Untuk mengikuti  kmnu2000, caranya dengan mengirim email kosong (tanpa subyek, tanpa isi) ke: kmnu2000-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. Untuk berhenti, layangkan email kosong ke: kmnu2000-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com. Dan untuk kirim artikel, komentar, dll, kirimkan ke kmnu2000@yahoogroups.com. 

Welcome back to the new mailing list of KMNU at kmnu@egroups.com. 

After being technically-inactive using www.coollist.com for quite a long time, now KMNU-List (kmnu2000 since January 2000) is back and supported by www.egroups.com 

What is NU? 

Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), as a grass-root socio-religius organization with the largest mass in Indonesia, plays important roles in contributing to the ummah development in all walks of muslim life, whether social, cultural, economic or even political. The traditional educational element (pesantren), its leaders (kyai) and the students (santri) and all other affiliated organizations under NU umbrella (including KMNU, a Cairo-based NU student association) are bringing together major social power. It is in this pervasive atmosphere of contribution that NU policies and standpoints are worthwhile to be known, analyzed and discussed. 

Why mailing list? 

For one reason, mailing list is more interactive and proactive form of communication we can do on the Internet and it's more efficient and effective than using the IRC or newsgroup. Besides, exchange of views and information and overall educating process are done easily and quickly as long as it is supported by active participation of its subscribers. That's why KMNU Internet Team created this mailing list which will bring these added-value benefits to you as subscribers. 

Who should join? 

NU members and activists around the world, have you joined this list yet? If not, it is strongly recommended to join now. However, we also invite non-NU members and everyone of any religion and especially those who are interested in NU to join this list. 

Why should I join? 

You will have an open healthy discussion forum at kmnu2000@egroups.com which can be conducted in Bahasa Indonesia (the Indonesian language) and English. This list is also meant for the exchange of NU-related news and analyses; its past history, present development and its future in Indonesia. For muslims, it is also the place to tighten Islamic brotherhood. 

How can I join? 

To subscribe, send an empty message to kmnu2000-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. 
To post a message, send to kmnu2000@yahoogroups.com 
To unsubscribe, send a message to kmnu2000-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com 

Who's the provider? 

This list is created by KMNU and brought to you directly thanks to eGroups, the free mailing list system. 

Something I should know of? 

Yes, views expressed in kmnu2000 do not necessarily represent those of KMNU and the NU itself. All for academic purposes only. 

Wassalamu'alaikum wr. wb. 

Kind Regards, 
KMNU Internet Team

www.kmnu.org - Copyright © KMNU Cairo - Egypt